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Instruction for Authors

 | Post date: 2020/08/8 | 

How to submit your article
Article admission can only be performed electronically via the Haft Hesar Journal of Environmental Studies exclusive website. Please avoid postal or email submitting.
The steps of electronic submission of the article are as follows:
  1- Go to the Haft Hesar Journal of Environmental Studies exclusive site: http://hafthesar.iauh.ac.ir/
  2- Select "submit an article" in the For Authors section in the left menu bar of the site.
  3- If you are a site member you can start the process; If not, first register and wait for administrator confirmation.
Notice: The article submitter is considered as the connector author for all affairs about the article and all further connections and data transmission will be done with him/her. The connector MUST be from the authors.

How to prepare the article file

1. Papers submitted for publication should describe high-quality original work, not previously partially or fully published elsewhere.
2. Manuscripts must be submitted only in Persian and should be written according to sound grammar and proper terminology.
3. Manuscripts should be typed with a font Times New Roman of 9 pt. in the compatible MS-word format in two columns with 2.5 cm margin at three sides and 3.5 cm at the top and submitted to the Journal website electronically. In Addition Page numbers of the whole manuscript must be limited to 8-12 pages.

Manuscript submission must be applied once in order to obtain only one submission ID number. More than one submission for a single manuscript can lose the chance of the manuscript consideration. The manuscript must be accompanied by a covering letter including title and author (s) name and must be signed by the corresponding author as well as the final checklist (Please notice the authorship principles from here).
4. The sampling covering letter and final checklist are supplied during the submission processing. The corresponding author is responsible to arrange the whole manuscript upon the totally marked final checklist.
5. The text should include: Title; with author (s) name, affiliation and address; an ABSTRACT (150 - 250 words), which state the purpose of the study, basic procedures, main findings, and the principal conclusions where are followed by 4-7 key words. INTRODUCTION; MATERIALS AND METHODS; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION; CONCLUSION; ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; ENDNOTES and REFERENCES list are followed.
6. Tables and figures in limited numbers should be cited throughout the text with the captions placed above for tables and below for figures. Avoid submitting tables as photographs. Place explanatory matters in footnotes, not in the heading. Do not use internal horizontal and vertical rules.

7. The policy of the Journal with respect to units and symbols is that SI symbols should be applied.
8. All graphs should be provided in excel format. A photograph should be in JPEG format in original not less than 200 dpi. In Addition, all figures and tables must be uploaded as separate files.

9. The corresponding author (s) will be supplied with one hard issue of the Journal. Author (s) can purchase any extra Journal hard copy and reprints they wish to order.
10. Following acceptance of the manuscript for publication, the author (s) will receive an in-house evaluation and galley proof for revision and will be asked to complete and signed, the copyright for the accepted article, individually due to the fully peer-review processing and publication.

11. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). 

12. Avoid citing references in abstract, problem statements, and conclusion.
13. Responsibility for the accuracy of bibliographic citations lies entirely with the authors, as follows: Citations in the text:
Citing and listing of Web references:
As a minimum, the full URL should be given. Any further information, if known (Author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list.
All citations in the text should refer to 1. Single author: the author's name (without initials, unless there is ambiguity) and the year of publication; 2. Two authors: both authors' names and the year of publication; 3. Three or more authors: first author's name followed by "et al." and the year of publication. Citations may be made directly (or parenthetically). Groups of references should be listed first alphabetically, then chronologically. Examples: "as demonstrated (Allan, 1996a, 1996b, 1999; Allan and Jones, 1995). Kramer et al., (2000) have recently shown ..."
References should be arranged in APA style, first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if necessary. More than one reference from the same author (s) in the same year must be identified by the letters "a", "b", "c", etc., placed after the year of publication.
Journal article
Baumann, T.; Fruhstorfer, P.; Klein, T.; Niessner, R., (2006). Colloid and heavy metal transport at landfill sites in direct contact with groundwater. Water Res., 40 (14), 2776-2786.
Article by DOI
Baumann, T.; Fruhstorfer, P.; Klein, T.; Niessner, R., (2006). Colloid and heavy metal transport at landfill sites in direct contact with groundwater., Water Res. 40 (14), 2776-2786.
DOI: 10.1016/j. watres.2006.04.049.

Levy, M. and Salvadori, M. G. 1992. Why buildings fall down. New York: W. W. Norton.

Book chapter

Mettam, G. R.; Adams, L. B., (1999). How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: Jones, B. S., Smith, R. Z. (Eds.), Introduction to the electronic age. E-Publishing Inc., New York.
Conference paper
Brown, J., (2005). Evaluating surveys of transparent governance. In UNDESA, 6th. Global forum on reinventing government: towards participatory and transparent governance. Seoul, Republic of Korea 24-27 May. New York.
Trent, J. W. (1975). Experimental acute renal failure. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California. USA.

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