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Volume 11, Issue 40 (10-2022)                   Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2022, 11(40): 73-84 | Back to browse issues page

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Mojarabi Kermani B, Davoudpor Z. Proposing a (COVID-19) Post-Pandemic Sustainable Pattern in Architectural and Urban Spaces. Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2022; 11 (40) :73-84
URL: http://hafthesar.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-1714-en.html
Abstract:   (2098 Views)
Introduction: Epidemics have been a challenge at all levels of the environment. Many current trends in architecture and urban design/planning are the results of measures that have already been taken to ensure the health and well-being of city dwellers. Since urban design/ planning and architecture after Covid-19 will never be the same as in the past, the need for developing a pattern for urban environment design to efficiently deal with the pandemic is undeniable. The primary objective of this article is to create a synergy between urban design/planning and architecture towards generating a conceptual framework where we consider the existence of the pandemic and what it entails on different levels. The main questions of this research address the following key questions: What are the characteristics of the post-pandemic sustainable pattern, whether it can be used to protect the environment from other pandemics, and what is the nature of physical changes in a post-pandemic?
Methodology: Methodologically, this research is based on an analytic trans-disciplinary framework, which is rooted and operationalized by identifying the concepts associated with these keys: 1) urban physical approaches, 2) urban Socio-spatial approaches, and 3) physical architectural approaches. This study first provides an overview of urban design/planning and architecture during past pandemics and then analyzes the impact of social distancing intervention on architectural and urban design/planning approaches. It then highlights research areas on pandemics through conceptualization, operationalization, and referring to available resources.  
Results: From a physical point of view in urban, this research examines five categories: urban growth, urban density, land use, transportation, and informal settlements. Discussing urban socio-spatial approaches examines the two issues of public spaces and place attachment. This research presents some lessons from the pandemic to visualize and introduce the study perspective on the new sustainable pattern after the pandemic. The contradiction between the virtual and the actual situation and the complexities of implementing common and adverse concepts (Physical and virtual spaces / compact and sprawl urban growth / High and low density / Urban suburbs and urban centers / Public and private transport / Open and closed spaces) show that just one pattern will not be responsive to the newly-built pandemic-resilient pattern.
Conclusion: The newly-built pandemic-resilient pattern must have flexible and comprehensive protective layers at all scales. Moreover, it should add human physical and mental health as a fourth dimension to the overall definition of sustainability. It continues by saying that just one pattern will not be responsive to the post-pandemic sustainable pattern. Choosing the best pattern depends on many factors, which requires creating synergy between urban design/planning, architecture, and public health.

Full-Text [PDF 795 kb]   (397 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2022/09/30 | Accepted: 2022/10/2 | Published: 2022/10/2

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