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Volume 10, Issue 39 (4-2022)                   Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2022, 10(39): 87-105 | Back to browse issues page

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Alizadeh Mohavatekar N, seyedolhoseyni S M, Ostadi M, Safarian Tosi M. The Explaining the indicators affecting the perception of restoration quality in Citizens' favorite urban spaces( With emphasis on reducing stress in people). Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2022; 10 (39) :87-105
URL: http://hafthesar.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-1611-en.html
Abstract:   (1417 Views)
The new style of urban life has turned public spaces into an arena for the widespread and continuous presence of citizens, so that these spaces can significantly weaken or improve the mental-functional health of citizens in a two-way communication. According to the approach of restorative environments, the existence of a set of environmental indicators can lead to the restoration of psychological-functional resources of individuals.
Since individual-cultural characteristics can greatly affect how citizens perceive and evaluate the quality of retrieval and their interest in urban spaces,The aim of this study to identify the indicators of quality of restoration in urban spaces from the perspective of Mashhad citizens who have the greatest impact on reducing stress and interest in urban spaces, For the first time, it seeks to provide indigenous knowledge of the factors influencing this quality, in order to provide a practical platform for designers and planners.
this paper, based on survey strategy, after conducting basic library studies and gathering the necessary theoretical foundations, data have been collected through specialized photography methods and a researcher-made questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS 25 software and Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression tests.
The results showed that the more citizens' interest in urban space increases, the stronger the quality of recovery is evaluated and Indices of attractiveness, being away, legibility in a significant relationship between the degree of interest of citizens in urban spaces with the quality of restoration are more effective than other indicators in reducing stress.
Full-Text [PDF 1385 kb]   (447 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2022/03/30 | Accepted: 2021/11/29 | Published: 2022/04/30

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