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Volume 10, Issue 40 (10-2022)                   Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2022, 10(40): 55-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Zaryabi M, Abeddost H. Semiotic Analysis of Written Signs in the Road Sign Systems of Tehran City. Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2022; 10 (40) :55-72
URL: http://hafthesar.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-1713-en.html
Abstract:   (1251 Views)
Introduction: as a component of the urban landscape, road sign systems are among the most critical elements of urban environments. Generally speaking, the written signs dominate the design of these systems. These signs can also foster aesthetic and visual pleasure compellingly and innovatively. Furthermore, they perpetuate a specific image in the minds of their observers. This research seeks to answer the question of what functions the written elements of the road sign systems of metropolitan Tehran serve and how these written signs relate to their audience.
Research objective: The present article offers a semiotic analysis of the text in metropolitan Tehran's road sign systems vis-a-vis their audience. To that aim, the paper first goes over the strengths and weaknesses of the text in representing the language and reflecting the discursive language in the first implicative level of the text. It then employs the principles of visual arts to discuss the specific implicative levels of text (paralinguistic and non-linguistic) in which text takes on particular visual qualities.
Research methodology: The method of semiotic analysis has been used as research philosophy, theoretical tool, and method. Inductive research is a research sample strategy. The main approach of the research is a qualitative analysis, and in terms of time horizon, it has been done in cross-sectional research. Also, field research is done in terms of data collection, theoretical foundations and empirical background, library study, and qualitative data collection. The tool for collecting qualitative data in this research is interviews and documents.
Results: The research findings indicate that text may fulfill functions other than merely communicating its literal meaning. Specifically, its multiple implicative levels can help build identities in urban environments and inculcate a sense of spatial belonging and nostalgia in the urban audience. However, various challenges complicate the audience's communication of linguistic and visual meanings and concepts. These challenges include 1. Deficiency (or lack thereof) in utilizing Persian written signs to communicate with the target audience and in its stead using English text along with the use of the unclear and hard-to-read font (at the written level of the text); 2. Low-quality styling, arrangement, and layout of the urban road signs (at the paralinguistic level of the text); 3.A. lack of harmony among the fonts used in designing the road sign systems and lack of coordination between the fonts and the subject and function of the urban places; 3.B. poor choice of color in road sign systems; 3. C. The resemblance of the road sign systems to other experiences and lack of an independent ethos (at the non-linguistic level of the text).
Conclusion: to enhance the communicative and visual aspects of the road sign systems of metropolitan Tehran, one needs to consider the various implicative levels of these systems. Utilizing bi-lingual text while prioritizing Persian fonts is helpful in clearly communicating the message to the audience (the linguistic level of the text). On the other hand, attention to arrangement, the harmony between the written elements and the function of a place, the appropriate color, and distinctive textual features in these systems combine to instill a sense of place, beauty, and attachment in the audience implications of the text (the paralinguistic and non-linguistic levels of the text).

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2022/09/30 | Accepted: 2022/10/2 | Published: 2022/10/2

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