Azadifar A, Omranipor A, Masoudinezhad M, Vafamehr M. Recognition of the effect of skylights on the architecture of Kashan historic houses (Case study: Boroujerdi house). Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2020; 9 (33) :109-124
Abstract: (3348 Views)
One of Kashan's historical architectural achievements has been the use of skylights in historic houses. Research has shown that these skylights' quality and performance are related to factors such as their type, distance from other openings, size, and materials, cut-off Angle, area of illumination created, number, and amount of their efficiency. The article used these factors for evaluating the impact of these skylights' performance. The present study, based on library and field studies, analyzes the effect of skylights' performance on the architecture of the house of Boroujerdi as a selected example. The results show that skylights' performance has been influential on architectural proportions through the number, size, and area of the space illuminated by it. Also, the three-component structure of skylights determined the geometry and architectural form of related spaces, and formalization was a part of the design of skylights in Kashan, which was a solution to direct light into the building; Also; the distance of the skylights from each other shows that the scale and dimensions of the space have been formed in relation to them and the efficiency factor of 50% of the skylights shows the acceptable performance and correct choice of their materials in providing light.
Type of Study:
Research |
General Received: 2021/01/3 | Accepted: 2020/12/30 | Published: 2020/12/30