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Volume 9, Issue 35 (5-2021)                   Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2021, 9(35): 133-150 | Back to browse issues page

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Gholami S, Soheili J, Rahbari Manesh K. Impact of socio-cultural evolution on the determining the middle-class housing typology (in the middle and final period of second Pahlavi). Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2021; 9 (35) :133-150
URL: http://hafthesar.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-1299-en.html
Abstract:   (2042 Views)
Introduction: Institutional housing is multi-functional that in order to form it different dimensions must be considered. One of the most important of these dimensions is the social class of its inhabitants. Its social and cultural factors influence the formation of social classes in any society. The modernization of government in the Pahlavi era led to the formation of a new middle class alongside the traditional class of society.
Research objective: Since the relationship between the social and cultural foundations of the residents in residential complexes and housing architecture is one of the main issues that, if not addressed, can disrupt the activities of residents, this essay seeks to identify the socio-cultural developments of this period. Factors influencing the emergence of this new middle class and then question the underlying factors in the formation of middle-class housing. It has also been tried to provide a comparative comparison of the housing developments of this class in the middle and final period of the second Pahlavi. In order to examine the role of socio-cultural developments in the design of residential spaces of these two periods, some residential settlements in Tehran have been selected based on the social class of its residents as a statistical population.
Methodology: The independent variable of the research is social and cultural classes. The dependent variable of those types of housing and the intervening variable is considered the second Pahlavi's middle and end periods. This research is based on qualitative methods and logical reasoning, but the basis of the research is a historical interpretation based on comparative analysis. In the course of the research, specialized books and articles were used. Several experts were consulted, and the collection of data was in the form of library studies, documents, and direct and field observations.
Conclusion: Research results show that the social class and the cultural characteristics of the new middle-class of society, which were looking for modern ideas, have had a direct impact on the housing architecture of this group. In the new middle-class housing of the second Pahlavi middle period, some traditional housing models and some modern housing models were ignored, and quasi-modernist housing was formed. Also, in the new middle-class housing of the last Pahlavi second period, residential architecture took a deep distance from traditional housing. Modern housing has replaced traditional housing.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2021/05/28 | Accepted: 2021/05/31 | Published: 2021/05/31

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