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Volume 9, Issue 36 (7-2021)                   Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2021, 9(36): 59-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Neghabi M, Hashempour P, Ghafari A, Asefi M. A model for explaining a holistic perspective regarding human-nature relationship in architecture based on the cognitive map. Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2021; 9 (36) :59-72
URL: http://hafthesar.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-1385-en.html
Abstract:   (1936 Views)
Introduction: In the traditional period, the human-nature relationship was balanced. Despite an increase in human knowledge and awareness about nature after the renaissance, the balance between the human-nature relationship was disrupted, leading to significant adverse effects on human life and the earth's life. In the current paper, a holistic perspective on the human-nature relationship was provided to create a proper interaction between the human and nature. The current study's questions are: how the traditional holistic view and modern partial view have formed the relationship between man and nature in various historical eras? How could we establish a holistic perspective of the sciences taken form regarding the relationship between man and nature in contemporary architecture? The current research compared the holistic view of the classic era and partial view of the modern era on the human-nature relationship to provide a holistic model on the human-nature relationship in the contemporary era by understanding the effectiveness of the influential factors.
Methodology: The influential factors on the human-nature relationship in the architecture were obtained by content analysis of the texts and were coded. Among the key factors that orient the relationship between man and nature in architecture, These were the four main variables: "ontology", "human knowledge of nature", "human attitude towards nature", "human needs about nature" and two sub-variables: "teaching role of nature" and "tools and technologies Exploitation of nature ", the way that these factors influence the relationship between man and nature in architecture was explained based on a holistic perspective. The validity degree of the codes was obtained by presenting a questionnaire to the experts and using the CVR method. Cognitive mapping was also used to explain the effectiveness of the obtained codes in the human-nature relationship.
Results: By mapping the causal relationships between the influential factors on the human-nature relationship in the architecture in both traditional and modern eras, it was concluded that the holistic view in the pre-modern era in the human-nature relationship, and consequently, the balance between the materialistic and value approaches towards nature, led to forming a balanced relationship between the human and nature. Furthermore, the partial and quantitative approach and its impact on increasing human knowledge about nature and developing a materialistic perspective about nature in the modern era were influential in damaging the nature and separation of the human-nature relationship in architecture.
Conclusion: In the second part of the research, using the obtained codes in the theoretical section of the study and the results of the cognitive graphs in the traditional and modern eras, a holistic model in the human-nature relationship was mapped for the contemporary era
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2021/08/20 | Accepted: 2021/07/1 | Published: 2021/07/1

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