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Volume 11, Issue 43 (9-2023)                   Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2023, 11(43): 103-112 | Back to browse issues page

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Mazhari M, Shabanian M. Evaluation of the building orientation effect on reducing energy consumption, Simulated example (Tourism recreational complex in Abbasabad Area, Hamadan City). Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2023; 11 (43) :103-112
URL: http://hafthesar.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-1912-en.html
Abstract:   (560 Views)
Introduction: Environmental pollution caused by the high consumption of fossil fuels has caused adverse consequences for human health and life. These pollutions are increasing day by day due to the consequences of urban life and the widespread use of all kinds of cars. Buildings, as one of the major consumers of energy resources, play an effective role in this situation. The unprecedented increase in the number of buildings, especially in cities, exacerbates this trend. Applying appropriate measures to reduce the use of fossil resources in cooling and heating the interior spaces of the building can lead to the adjustment of these adverse consequences. One of the effective solutions in this field is the proper orientation of buildings according to the climatic conditions of each region, in order to obtain the maximum natural benefit from environmental power and solar energy and reduce the burden of fossil energy consumed by buildings. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of building placement at different geographical angles on the amount of fossil energy consumption for cooling and heating the interior of a building, so that by finding the best possible angle for building placement in Hamadan city in a practical way in order to reduce the dependence of buildings on fossil fuels and the reduction of pollution caused by their consumption, including electricity and gas, were achieved during different seasons of the year.
Methodology: First, the geographic location of the sample was determined. In the next step, the weather data related to Hamedan City was obtained and entered into the design-builder program. ASHRAE Standard sample space was considered the basic model in Hamadan city. In the next step, a 3D model was created and the physical characteristics of the space were defined in the Design-Builder software. Then, by gradually changing the angle of the geographical location of the model in different seasons, energy consumption was analyzed under each of the mentioned angles.
Results: The findings show that by changing the angle of the model, the amount of energy consumption for cooling and heating the indoor space changes throughout the year and provides different numerical values for each of these cases at different angles. This number shows different values for the cooling and heating of a specific building based on the time period and season under review.
Conclusion: the geographical orientation of the building towards the angle of 100 degrees in Hamadan city puts the amount of energy consumption for heating at the lowest value compared to other angles. Accordingly, the energy consumption for cooling is at its lowest value in the orientation towards the 269 angle. Therefore, for each period of time, the optimal angle specific to that time can be defined for the establishment of the building.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2021/11/1 | Accepted: 2022/06/6 | Published: 2023/08/25

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