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Volume 11, Issue 44 ( Summer 2023)                   Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2023, 11(44): 5-22 | Back to browse issues page

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Mosavi S M, Mirzaei R, Heydari A, Asaadi S N. Investigating the effect of biophilic architecture on improving the mental health of patients in medical environments (case example: Farabi, 17 Shahrivar and Omid hospitals in Mashhad). Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2023; 11 (44) :5-22
URL: http://hafthesar.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-1924-en.html
Abstract:   (725 Views)
Introduction: Numerous global studies have demonstrated that interacting with nature in our
surroundings can greatly benefit our mental health. The biophilic design approach can aid in
connecting individuals with nature in a man-made environment, making it a useful tool. Further
studies are needed in treatment spaces throughout the country to develop an understanding of how
biophilic components affect the mental health of patients through experimental research. This study
aims to identify the beneficial aspects of biophilic design in the mental well-being of patients
receiving treatment within the country. This research focuses on the relationship between biophilic
design elements and their impact on the mental health of patients in therapeutic spaces in Mashhad.
The study assumes that experiencing nature directly through biophilic architecture can reduce anxiety
and depression while increasing life expectancy, ultimately leading to better mental health outcomes
for patients.
Methodology: This research utilized qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate biophilic
factors' impact on patients' anxiety levels in hospitals. The qualitative portion involved analyzing
library documents and coding concepts using the foundation data method and MAXQDA10 software.
The field and survey studies focused on sample hospitals in Mashhad city, including Hay Farabi, 17
Shahrivar, and Omid. A standard questionnaire on anxiety in hospitals and a questionnaire on biophilic
components in therapeutic environments were distributed randomly to 270 patients over a period of
two months. The quantitative portion involved measuring the relationships between variables using
factor analysis and structural equations with Smart PLS.
Results: During the survey of hospitals to determine the presence of biophilic components, Shahrivar
Hospital was ranked first with 35.71%, followed by Farabi Hospital with 28.57% and Omid Hospital
with 14.28%. Research shows that the dimensions of biophilic design have a significant impact on the
spiritual and psychological well-being of patients in therapeutic spaces. When patients are more
connected to nature in these spaces, it can decrease anxiety levels and improve spiritual components of
health, such as life expectancy. A survey of hospital environments and the assessment of patients'
mental health revealed that 17 Shahrivar Hospital, which had more biophilic components in indoor
spaces, had a greater positive effect on patients than Farabi Hospital, which had components in
external spaces. This research model confirms the usefulness of biophilic design in therapeutic spaces
to improve the mental state and satisfaction of patients. Incorporating biophilic components into the
environment can have a positive impact on the patient's experience in a therapeutic environment.
Conclusion: According to the study, the direct experience of nature in indoor spaces for therapeutic
purposes was the most important factor in promoting mental health. Following this, the indirect

1 - Corresponding Author’s E-mail: mirzaeireza@iaubir.ac.ir Tel: +989153074429

experience of nature and the nature of space and place were also found to be significant factors, in that
order. Furthermore, it was discovered that the biophilic environment of indoor spaces had a greater
impact on reducing anxiety and depression among patients than in outdoor spaces in hospitals.
Overall, these findings suggest that incorporating natural elements into indoor spaces can have a
positive impact on mental health.
Full-Text [PDF 2682 kb]   (247 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2022/07/13 | Accepted: 2022/09/6 | Published: 2023/09/17

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