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Volume 5, Issue 20 (8-2017)                   Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2017, 5(20): 19-30 | Back to browse issues page

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Analysis of Peripheral Urban Spaces with Security by Design Approach in order to mitigate Social Injury (Case Study: Peripheral Areas of Hamedan City) . Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2017; 5 (20) :19-30
URL: http://hafthesar.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-427-en.html
Abstract:   (3136 Views)
It seems that the influence of cultural and social fabric of every society on architectural space in every period of history is undeniable. Sometimes it was so strong that many users were affected in space. in theory that was raised by Bill Hillier, for the first time based on the difference space factor, to check the value of a space in a plan using quantitative methods (mathematical way space) were discussed. the aim of this study was to evaluate the social and cultural logic of space resulting in access to space of value and is in line with this logic. in order to test the hypothesis of social and cultural logic in the house, four traditional houses that built in the period of Ghajar were select. three of the houses in Yazd, and another example in order to apply a comparative study is located in Tehran. the research is descriptive and analytical method and using qualitative and quantitative strategies to assess and describe the probabilities, social and cultural logic space will be discussed. The quantitative method was used space syntax mathematical relationship (a mathematical space difference). in proving the quantity method, first paid to justify graph each house data on the spatial difference for each of the areas of the yard, porch, lobby, entered in the relevant formula  and the results in table format for each of the four houses that were presented and in qualitative way, from the two indicators "depth" and "ring" was used. to evaluate the quality, depth of the index and ring in the two samples is analyzed and examined. that to achieve that, should the findings used to justify graph to justify the quality of the space, previously stated that again, the three space (the yard, porch and three-door or five-door) were selected for review. the results showed that social and cultural relationships profound effects on the physical structure and spatial configuration of traditional houses of Iran. also, using physical information, such as architectural plans and charting its justification and describe the information derived from it, it is likely to prove valuable space and to the spatial resolution or the integrity of its relationship with realized. according to the survey regarding the qualitative and quantitative analysis, in order to get space in order to explain the logic of social and cultural value of the house, then the research questions in this regard arises: Can having physical information architecture, cultural logic - social or otherwise realize the value of space? How can using quantitative and qualitative methods and, according to information from the physical space set achieved, the value of each sub-spaces found space?
Mentioned hypotheses, the answers to the questions above is explained is as follows:
Assumptions: by examining the difference space and the results of his physical information from the architectural space, can be realized values of the different spaces.
Using mathematical space syntax style quantify and using the concepts of deep and ring by qualitative method can be realized value of space.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/08/21 | Accepted: 2017/08/21 | Published: 2017/08/21

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