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Volume 9, Issue 36 (7-2021)                   Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2021, 9(36): 35-58 | Back to browse issues page

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Hendou M, Ivani H, Nourtaghani A. Investigating the effect of changes in the spatial system of houses in Mashhad on contemporary lifestyle. Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2021; 9 (36) :35-58
URL: http://hafthesar.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-1384-en.html
Abstract:   (1659 Views)
Introduction: Since Lifestyle is related to behaviors and activities, studies in this field show the changes that occur over time. Also, the distinctions between the value system in the past and the present value system can be determined. For this purpose, in this research, the Mashhad houses from 1925 to the present are analyzed by using space syntax to analyze the effect of continuity and change in the physical environment of Mashhad houses on the Lifestyle of the people.
Methodology: The research method of this study is the combination of descriptive, analytical methods, and logical reasoning. Also, information is collected from library research, field studies, and space syntax software (UCL Depthmap).
Results: Results show since 1925 to present trend of homes patterns have been changed from introverted home to extroverted houses, and house’s Spatial organization have been changed from central yards at introverted homes to corridors, distribution spaces, and halls, respectively at extroverted homes. The Spatial organization of extroverted homes has been shifted first to axial then central and finally combinatory. Also, the least changes have occurred in the spaces of cultural, religious beliefs, and traditional practices, and due to considering the workspace in the home, the greatest changes occurred in livelihood and work activities.
Conclusion: In the first Pahlavi period and the first half of the second Pahlavi period, in the both axial and central organization, the most changes in the open space (yard and terrace) and the least changes in this period were related to the living space and the room. Also From the second half of the second Pahlavi period until now, the attention has been focused on the indoor space, especially the public and semi-public spaces such as living and dining areas. Also, private space plays an important role in present homes which were neglected in past. Moreover, vision infiltration between public and private spaces has been increased. It seems the definition of Private zone in homes have been revised and separation between Guest space and host space has been reduced in recent years.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2021/08/20 | Accepted: 2021/07/1 | Published: 2021/07/1

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