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Volume 12, Issue 47 (4-2024)                   Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2024, 12(47): 51-66 | Back to browse issues page

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Hashempour P, Medghalchi L, Mirahmadi A. Prioritizing the components of participatory culture in low-income housing architecture. Haft Hesar J Environ Stud 2024; 12 (47) :51-66
URL: http://hafthesar.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-2026-en.html
Abstract:   (138 Views)
Introduction: Participatory culture in architecture can create effective communication between the employer, relevant organizations, architects, and space users. This research seeks to prioritize the components of participatory culture in housing architecture, in which special emphasis has been placed on issues related to low-income groups. The main question of the research is "How can the components of participatory culture be evaluated based on the opinion of low-income housing experts?"
Methodology: In the theoretical studies section, to present the components of participatory culture, the descriptive-analytical research method was used; Then, the field method and information-gathering tools were used through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with experts in the field of architecture and urban planning. In the data analysis section, after field surveys and the use of questionnaire tools, to use the questionnaire data, first the data were classified and coded, and then after entering the categorized data into SPSS 25 software, tests related to type determination were performed. Cronbach's alpha test for research reliability; The Friedman test was used to determine the priorities and the multiple regression test was used to describe the linear relationship between the components of the participatory culture. The results of Friedman's test show the significance of the rating of the components of participatory culture from the point of view of experts and practitioners of architecture and urban planning so that they have different ratings of these components.
Results: In housing policies for low-income groups, paying attention to the participatory culture can play an effective role in reducing the gaps between all interested groups in different stages of planning, design, construction, and exploitation of space and be effective in improving the housing situation of this group. In the output of the Friedman test, it can be seen that user participation in the operation and maintenance of housing has the highest average rating (9.52) and then the importance of the steps in user participation to create optimal housing with an average rating (8.87), means According to architecture and urban planning specialists, the highest priority in creating a participatory culture is to involve users in operation and maintenance of housing. On the other hand, the component of user participation with other sectors in the existing housing plan has the lowest average rating (2.06), and then the quality of housing projects under construction average rating (3.30) is dedicated to itself. This means that at present, residents of housing do not have sufficient communication and necessary participation with other sectors or the ability to create appropriate participation is not provided for them.
Conclusion: The participatory culture in low-income housing emphasizes the coherence between the three areas of participation among stakeholders in the housing plan, seeking participation and participation among the stakeholders, and the way users (residents) participate in the housing plan, and shows the priorities of the participatory components from the experts' point of view. It determines the ability and effectiveness of participation in these components.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2023/01/3 | Accepted: 2023/06/12 | Published: 2024/05/19

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